As Seen on Dr. Oz
Want to know if your date or significant other is married, telling you the truth, or what their real name is? We can help. Fees run $99 -$1000 for this service, but can really expose the truth if you suspect the person you are dating just isn’t adding up and you can’t quite figure them out. Exclusive Matchmaking offers a comprehensive dating background check that will provide you with the most accurate information available.
Investigate Your Date – Background Check Only $49.99
Want to do a criminal background check only on that person you met online. We can help!
Investigate Your Date
For When he or she is not adding up. Are they who they say they are ? Our relationship investigator can help you. Prices vary
Vet the person you let in your life
As a matchmaker to the rich and famous, Susan knows how important it is to check out the person you let into your social circle before you are in too deep. We have you covered. Prices Vary on this service.
Want more info email us at We can help!