young couple in love


In addition to professional matchmaking services, we offer additional services in order to ensure all your matchmaking needs are met. From coaching and answering individual questions, to events and speaking engagements, Susan Trombetti’s vast experience ensures all of our clients have a variety of services to choose from. Here are some of the services we offer at Exclusive Matchmaking:

Professional Matchmaking

Looking for a long-term, rewarding and sustainable relationship? Professional matchmaker, Susan Trombetti hand selects matches from a pool of available, successful singles meeting their criteria. This highly personalized experience includes a comprehensive approach to professional matchmaking that includes sourcing matches, dating coaching and more. Requires a consultation before membership is approved.

Dating Coaching

Many clients seek a professional dating coach to help them prepare and plan successful dates. Whether you are too shy, too busy or are re-entering the world of dating, Susan’s coaching services are invaluable when going on dates and meeting potential matches. A consultation is required in order to book dating coaching services.

Book an Appearance

Looking for a professional matchmaker or dating coach for a special event, party or conference? Susan Trombetti’s expertise as a professional matchmaker and relationship expert can add the perfect touch!