young couple in love
As Seen On


Instead of spending hundreds of hours reading dating advice, get the quick answers you need from Celebrity Matchmaker & Dating Coach, Susan Trombetti. Her no-nonsense style gets you the help you need without the commitment of hiring a dating coach.

Professional Matchmaker Susan Trombetti

Dating isn’t easy. Between the men out there, the challenges of finding a good one, not to mention a pandemic, the rotten men who left you or betrayed you, it’s totally normal for your confidence to be shot. In short… dating can feel miserable.

And yet, you know things. You’re a woman of action. This isn’t your first rodeo and it’s about time you nip your bad dating habits in the bud. Who can you turn to when you need a dose of reality mixed with some encouragement to “get back out there”, well me! I’m Susan Trombetti and for the past 15 years I have been a celebrity and elite matchmaker to the stars. I help clients not only find love, but get married and create the passionate relationship of their dreams.

Know you are ready now?
Sign up for your private session today for $495

One client was engaged in 5 short months and is living the life we all dream about. Yes it’s true.

Young couple on a date

Was she special? Did she have a secret sauce that you don’t know about? Yes, she had me. And my track record is stellar

My dating advice has been featured in the NY times, USA Today, Ny Post, Boston Globe, DailyMail TV with Dr. Fauci, Doctor Oz, Cosmopolitan, HLN, Seventeen Magazine, Hulu, Ask Men, and Today. And now, you can get dating advice to help you find love without the big investment in a dating contract.

Let me tell you how…

My clients are like you. They struggle to find love, but often their challenges are not catastrophic. Often, what’s at the root is one or two little things. And my secret sauce helps fix the little broken parts so they stop sabotaging their shot at love.


  • They were dumped, ghosted, catfished, or abandoned and even with his bad behavior, they still can’t let go of their ex (I will teach you how to put the past, in the PAST)
  • They don’t like online dating the way so many men insist on doing it. Texting, sharing photos, building trust only to meet in person and then he ghost you. Online dating doesn’t work for women who have traditional values UNLESS THEY KNOW HOW TO MANAGE THEIR EXPECTATIONS (I help women see their true value so they stop settling for men who will never love and respect them fully.)
  • They don’t know where to start- how to get back out there- how to date in the pandemic…. (These are all challenges we can easily overcome)
  • They don’t know how to talk to men. Texting, flirting, even what to wear on a date confuses them (I’ve got you covered here…)
  • They attract the CRAZIEST men. (This one’s an easy fix…)
  • They mistakenly believe that their past is a predictor of their future. (This is only true if you believe it)
  • They are shy, introverted, codependent, or some other personality trait that in the past caused them to get rejected. (As I said above, I will teach you how to put the past, in the PAST)


They’re with the wrong guy. How do I know? I hear what they say. Something vital is missing that is required for their “happily ever after”, so I help them get rid of the wrong men so they can find the RIGHT man…

  • Their guy takes advantage of them; doesn’t appreciate them or treat them the way they want to be treated.(This has to change)
  • They don’t know how to end it with their married boyfriend.
  • Their guy won’t commit. They are wasting their precious years on a man who doesn’t want to walk down the aisle. (We can get to the heart of this asap)
  • Maybe your guy is really special but you know instinctively that he’s not your “forever” man. (It’s time for a gut check… A trusted person like me can help you see what you’re settling for.)
Young woman tired of dating toxic guys
Celebrity Matchmaker Susan Trombetti
How Does It Work?

I offer coaching to clients in two ways: one-on-one with me or with one of my trained dating coaches. My dating coaches have been been mentored personally by me and are trained in my elite matchmaking strategies and proprietary ways.

When you work with me personally, I schedule a 60-minute session to explore what you really need before committing to anything more. Very often clients need a short session to give them the right tools and direction so their dating strategies improve. I offer you the same dating advice I give my celebrity, professional athlete, Fortune 500, and other executive clients.

I am straight and to the point, so this session with me is well worth your time and investment. To schedule a dating strategy session with me, the fee is $495. We will meet for 60 minutes and explore the challenges you are facing + goals for the future. Normally, my sessions are 5-6 figures to begin, so this discounted rate is highly concentrated and meant to kick your dating life into gear once and for all.

Please know sessions are limited and I often have a waiting list, so if the time you want isn’t available, follow the directions to email my team and get on the list. To speak with another dating coach on my team, the rates are $219 for a 60 minute session.

As I mentioned, my team is talented, heartfelt, and intelligent. They have been mentored by me and will bring great insights to your call. Often we work together with celebrity clients, so her wisdom runs deep. Paul shared, “Working with Susan changed my life. I’m thankful for her insight, advice and candor.”

And Olivia offered this, “Working with Sherry gave me the courage to kick my ex to the curb and be a free woman for a while. That confidence was in itself worth the fees. Finding my love was the most amazing part and totally unexpected. Thanks Sherry, working with you was the best.”

The reality with dating is that no one changes without cause. You should be the reason you get help and stop the madness of wrong relationships, bad men, and wasted time, but if you can’t do it for yourself, do it for your future. Most people have to change their bad habits to find Mr. Right.

Doing the same thing over and over is insanity. COVID-19 isn’t going anywhere and putting your future on hold until you can get back to “dating like normal” will keep you single for years.

Or worse, you’ll meet the wrong man, and get on the “advanced plan” and end up married, unhappy, and living with regret. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that life is unpredictable. Take a step today and schedule your call with Susan or a member of her team.

Your future self thanks you.