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5 Tips For Singles This Valentine’s Day

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If you find yourself single this Valentine’s Day, it’s not the end of the world. It seems everyone is coupled up and snuggling, but that’s not really the case. Take it from me, a professional matchmaker, there are plenty of other singles out there feeling just as alone thinking Cupid ignored them. I want you to know it’s no big deal that you are single and just embrace your single self. Go with it! Valentine’s Day is a good excuse to flirt and have fun just like when you were in grade school and had fun little parties with your classmates and passed out those cute little cards. There are many good things about being single on Valentine’s day. Read on for my thoughts on how to enjoy the day but most involve just plain advice on having lots of fun:

  1. Flirt with anybody you want . The Day gives you a great excuse to do it if you didn’t have the nerve before.  Use it on that hot neighbor you have been wanting to talk to but didn’t have the nerve.


  1. Eat all the chocolates you want in those heart shaped boxes without feeling guilty.


  1. Attend a singles events for Valentine’s day. I have one myself on Valentine’s morning in Annapolis, Md. Watch your local calendars. You don’t have to be alone.


  1. Treat yourself special. Get a massage, have some “ me” time , or whatever you need to do to  celebrate yourself. You’re a catch!


  1. Volunteer at your favorite charity or visit a nursing home and bring joy to others. There’s always a little child whether it’s a neice or nephew, or grandparents to spread some Valentine’s joy.


We hope to see all of you singles at our event on Valentine’s Day  in Annapolis!

