Dating 101

Basket ball game

What Is A Rebound Relationship? Can It Work Out Long Term?

After a breakup, most people will need to embrace the single life and lick their wounds for a while before getting back out there. While there’s no exact formula for when it’s appropriate to start seeing new people again, that break from dating is oh so crucial to not only healing but also making sure What Is A Rebound Relationship? Can It Work Out Long Term?

Is he cheating? Girlfriend looking over shoulder

Is Flirting Cheating? How To Know With This Gray Area

A little playful banter with your coworker during happy hour, a smooth compliment sent via DM, or a suggestive smirk while sustaining eye contact with a stranger — flirting can give anyone quite a thrill (not to mention, a confidence boost). But when you’re in a relationship? It’s tricky territory. Some say a little bit Is Flirting Cheating? How To Know With This Gray Area

couple on a date

How To Ask Someone Out With Confidence (& Get A ‘Yes’)

Maybe it’s someone you just met at a bar who you exchanged numbers with. Maybe it’s a friend you’ve known for years. Either way, asking someone out can be nerve-wracking for sure, no matter how self-assured you are. Wondering how to ask someone out on a date with confidence? The truth is, you don’t want How To Ask Someone Out With Confidence (& Get A ‘Yes’)

matchmaking couple

How Much Does Matchmaking Cost?

How much does matchmaking cost in 2024? Upscale matchmaking services can cost anywhere between $25,000 and $250,000. It’s expensive but worth every penny. When you take into account the cost of your divorce, your peace of mind, your safety, and the amount of online bad dates, you will see the benefits outweigh the cost. What’s How Much Does Matchmaking Cost?

woman flirting with an attractive guy

How To Flirt Over Text (With Examples!)

How To Flirt Over Text It’s hard to believe that just 20 years ago, you had to call someone up on the phone or meet up IRL to get your flirt on. Now, you can let someone know you’re into them by simply typing out a quick message, adding a couple of emojis for good How To Flirt Over Text (With Examples!)

dating terms

What Is ‘Stashing’? Everything to Know About This Problematic Dating Trend 

Picture this: You’ve been dating someone for at least a few months, and so far, things are going swimmingly. You’ve gone on a string of epic dates with lively conversation, gotten comfortable enough to have laid-back hangouts binge-watching Netflix, and text each other almost every day (insert heart-eyes emoji). It feels like this is going What Is ‘Stashing’? Everything to Know About This Problematic Dating Trend 


‘Roaching’ May Be The Worst Dating Trend Yet — Here’s What To Know

Dating — especially in 2021 and beyond — comes with a lot of potential disappointments: like realizing you’re not the only person your current love interest is seeing. Sure, you never explicitly had the convo about exclusivity, but you felt like this budding relationship was heading somewhere. And to find out that the person you’re ‘Roaching’ May Be The Worst Dating Trend Yet — Here’s What To Know

happy couple on the dock enjoying the outdoors together

Working With A Matchmaker Can Upgrade Your Love Life — Here’s How

Nearly half of U.S. adults — and a majority of women — say dating has become harder in the last 10 years, according to a 2019 poll by Pew Research. And of those who are on the market, most admit they’re dissatisfied with their dating lives because they just can’t find people to go out Working With A Matchmaker Can Upgrade Your Love Life — Here’s How

narcissist infographic

Dating A Narcissist ? 8 Signs And What To Do About It

  In the beginning, they were charming as all hell. They swept you off your feet, said all the right things, and made your love story feel like a real-life fairytale. It was, in a word: intense. But these days, you have a hunch something is off. Why do they seem to only be interested Dating A Narcissist ? 8 Signs And What To Do About It