
woman texting

Should I Text Him? Before You Hit “Send,” Here Are Some Rules On What To Text Your Crush

To text or not to text — that is the question. Shooting your shot can be a sexy power move that displays confidence, and sometimes, taking initiative is the only way to get what you want. That said, it can also feel risky. What if the exchange doesn’t go as you’d hoped, or worse, he Should I Text Him? Before You Hit “Send,” Here Are Some Rules On What To Text Your Crush

woman that is distressed

What Is Emotional Cheating? Signs To Look Out For And What To Do About It

When you think of someone cheating on you, what’s the first image that comes to mind? In all likelihood, it’s finding them in bed with someone else. But did you know that hooking up with someone outside of your relationship isn’t the only way to be unfaithful? Emotional cheating is just as common, and moreover, What Is Emotional Cheating? Signs To Look Out For And What To Do About It

matchmaking couple

How Much Does Matchmaking Cost?

How much does matchmaking cost in 2024? Upscale matchmaking services can cost anywhere between $25,000 and $250,000. It’s expensive but worth every penny. When you take into account the cost of your divorce, your peace of mind, your safety, and the amount of online bad dates, you will see the benefits outweigh the cost. What’s How Much Does Matchmaking Cost?

Billionaire Dating

How A Billionaire Dating Service Can Help You Find Real, Genunine Love

People may assume that dating as a billionaire gives you a massive advantage — and perhaps in some ways, it does — after all, what better way to wow the one you love than whisk them away on a private jet to an exotic island, or book an intimate dinner for two at that hot How A Billionaire Dating Service Can Help You Find Real, Genunine Love

Celebrity Matchmaker

5 Reasons Why You Need Celebrity Matchmaker, Susan Trombetti

There are lots of perks to being a celebrity,  but there are pitfalls as well — especially when it comes to dating. I would know: I’ve worked with a lot of big name celebs — though I won’t say who — and I’ve learned all these pain points. For one, you don’t have the luxury 5 Reasons Why You Need Celebrity Matchmaker, Susan Trombetti

AI Girlfriend

Is It Cheating If You Have An AI Girlfriend?

Cheating used to be a pretty cut-and-dry concept: it meant sleeping with someone else.But in case you haven’t noticed, technology has forced us to reconsider what “counts”as cheating. Thanks to the proliferation of smartphones, dating apps, and social media,it’s easier than ever to meet and communicate with others. That means new avenuesfor flirting, building emotional Is It Cheating If You Have An AI Girlfriend?

woman flirting with an attractive guy

How To Flirt Over Text (With Examples!)

How To Flirt Over Text It’s hard to believe that just 20 years ago, you had to call someone up on the phone or meet up IRL to get your flirt on. Now, you can let someone know you’re into them by simply typing out a quick message, adding a couple of emojis for good How To Flirt Over Text (With Examples!)

golden couple in love

How To Find Your Golden Bachelor Or Bachelorette

From the moment the inaugural season of The Golden Bachelor aired in September of 2023, viewers were hooked. In fact, 6.1 million people watched the December finale, making it the most popular episode of any Bachelor franchise show in three years. Watching Gerry’s journey did something amazing for the show’s audience: it gave them hope How To Find Your Golden Bachelor Or Bachelorette

Happy New Year in 2022

How To Find Love in 2022: 9 Dating Tips From a Professional Matchmaker

There’s something about the end of one year and the beginning of a new one that naturally inspires you to take stock of your old habits and start some smarter ones. This well-researched phenomenon is called the “fresh start effect” — landmarks, like a new year, motivate people to set goals. If your goal involves How To Find Love in 2022: 9 Dating Tips From a Professional Matchmaker