A Matchmaker’s Advice; New Year, New Love
As a matchmaker, I am always asked what is my biggest tip for the New Year to help singles find love. Now that 2017 is here, finding love is at the top of everyone’s list and is always a big New Year’s resolution given that singles just spent the holidays without someone special. Blame Hallmark for leading us all to believe that Christmas is that magical time of year when everyone is in love. The holidays are about your loved ones and family though which could make missing that someone special in your life sting even more. Loneliness is clearly felt during the holidays like no other time. So, what can you change this New Year that will bring you love? Read on for my tips so you will be on your way to meeting that someone special:
1) Everyone is hung up on someone whether it’s real or in their head. You need to get rid of that baggage. Maybe it’s the ex that no one compares to, or it’s the pretend guy that you think you belong with. I hear it all the time. “I want a CEO or a congressman”. No you don’t. You want a guy that treats you well. Lose this line of thinking and it will go a long way to finding love this year and you won’t even need a matchmaker. This is one of my biggest pieces of matchmaking advice I could give you any time of the year.
2) Which brings me to Toss your list. It’s holding you back. Keep an open mind and be open to everyone. Don’t have a list. Some people have them a mile long, and they can’t find the guy or girl because he/she isn’t out there. The person you fall for will be completely opposite of what you thought. Always happens that way. A lot of women think they need a guy that is at least 6ft and over as just one of many requirements on a list. This one requirement rules out 90% of the men, and a matchmaker wouldn’t even take you on a client with this one. It’s a few inches separating from the love of your life.
3) Want a good catch? Well, you need to be a good catch. What if you aren’t? Time to take a dating sabbatical to be the best you can be so you can attract what you are looking for in a person. Looks aren’t everything. Men nowadays want smart, educated, attractive women that compliment them as well. Go take those few extra classes for your masters, visit some museums to learn about art, get a makeover, and just in general, become a more well-rounded person so you are the best catch that you can be.
4)Kick the loser you are with to the curb. Stop running back to that old boyfriend, girlfriend, or that go nowhere relationship that doesn’t meet your needs. Can’t find what you are looking for if Mr. Loser is always hanging on breaking your heart or stringing you along. That includes friends with benefits that must go. It’s holding you back. Anytime spent with the wrong person is time you could be spending with the right person.
5) Get More Involved In Activities Around You in 2017. Leave your comfort zone this year. You are never going to meet the love of your life drinking a glass of wine alone on your couch after work binge watching Netflix; it is time to get out there! Join a local pottery class that you have always been dying to take, go to that fitness class, and/or finally accept the offer from your colleagues to go out for after work drinks. Not only will all these experiences help you gain new hobbies and friendships, but also you never know who you will meet there. Maybe someone will be at yoga that you will hit it off with or maybe at drinks you will start talking to someone from a different department at your work that you had never met. You also might become friends with someone new, who could introduce you to the love of your life. Leave your comfort zone this 2017.
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