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Matchmaker Tells You How To Make Happiness Happen

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Today marks the start of National Happiness Happens month! So this brings up the big question: are you happy with your single self? If not, now is the perfect time to start. You happiness doesn’t start when you meet the love of your life. That sounds easier said than done, of course, when you  are lonely. One of the critical elements of overall happiness is  living your life and maintaining happiness even though you aren’t in a relationship yet. Happiness has a way of finding other happy people. Finding that rewarding relationship takes time, and the process can be exhausting to some people making them feel unhappy after a bad date.  Single people have the tendency to be hard on themselves if they don’t find someone right away and think the problem is with them. It could be you, or could be them, but no reason to be unhappy.  The important thing to keep in mind here is that your happiness matters and that this process doesn’t have to be daunting and hopeless.  Our Matchmaker, Susan Trombetti , hears this all the time, so here are a few tips to keep your overall happiness in check.

Don’t be unrealistic

It’s easy to get caught up in fantasy scenarios that are unrealistic to your situation. These may not serve you well because they set a strong expectation on an outcome that can later lead to disappointment. Eventually you may end up projecting the ideal person onto someone that doesn’t treat you well. It also doesn’t serve you to have a laundry list of qualities that are next to impossible to find.

Invest in yourself

Part of being happy is that you feel and look your best. When you feel confident it shows to everyone around you. Investing in a healthy lifestyle will ensure that you’re at your best at all times. Go shopping for an outfit that makes you feel good or get a massage to relieve some stress. At some point this month make sure your putting your best foot forward when it comes to dating. You might just catch the eye of someone in the process.

Have fun with dating

Dating is a process that really depends on your outlook. If you make it fun, it won’t wear you down as much. If a date isn’t going, so well have fun with it anyway. Learn how to laugh at the situation and have a good sense of humor. When dating becomes a burden, then you’re less likely to go on more dates. Having fun with the process means  you will put yourself out there more.  Let the moments unfold as they happen.

When matchmaking, we look for happy people. Dating has a lot to do with attitude and general outlook. Those who have a positive outlook have the most success when it comes to dating.