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5 Reasons Lindsay Lohan Needs To Get Out Now

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Uh Oh. It seems that former party girl Lindsay Lohan has popped up in the news again and for even more unsettling reasons. While we thought that the drama had finally ended with our ‘Mean Girls’ redhead, we were sadly mistaken. Lohan has accused fiancé Egor Tarabasov of cheating, abuse, and attempting to kill her via a stream of social media posts. Our advice? Get out now! Here are our top reasons why Lindsay needs to ditch the guy (as if it’s not absolutely obvious already).


  1. Fiancé?

Lohan posted this rant via Snapchat over the weekend where she referred to Tarabasov as her fiancé. However, her rep previously denied that the two were even engaged! This video was the first time that Lohan referred to him as her fiancé-and it was to accuse him of cheating and abuse. Red flag! If the first time you publicly refer to the man you’re planning on marrying is under these circumstances, run. There are clearly bigger issues surrounding this relationship, and marriage should not even be on the table with an abuser.


  1. Cheater, cheater

Here’s yet another reason why Lohan needs to stay far away from this man. Cheating allegations are something to be taken very seriously. That’s not marriage material, that’s material that makes up The Player. If she is trying to keep her path straight, marrying this man will only lead to self-destruction. And cheating with a hooker?? Bad news, Lohan.


  1. Abuse

Video footage allegedly shows Lohan yelling at Tarabasov for strangling and attempting to kill her. If this isn’t a reason to pack your things, and go, I’m not sure what is. Abuse is not something to be taken lightly, be it verbal or physical. Not only does it endanger your health, but it harms your emotional well-being. Lohan has clearly struggled in the past with drugs & alcohol, and an abusive relationship could drive her back to these vices as a coping mechanism. There is never an excuse for abuse or death threats.


  1. Rumored pregnancy

Although it has yet to be confirmed, Lohan hinted at the fact that she may be with child. If this is the case, she needs to think long and hard about how she wants to bring this child into the world. As a successful individual, Lohan is definitely capable of raising a child on her own. Having a baby should not be a reason to stay in a potentially harmful relationship. If she stays in this relationship with a child, then not only Lohan, but also the child will ultimately suffer from this toxic relationship.


  1. Social Media rant

Lohan and Tarabasov began dating in 2015 and moved in together this past March. Reports said that she had calmed her party girl ways and was beginning to embrace staying out of the public eye. However, these events with Tarabasov caused her to become so incredibly upset that she posted everything publicly. While some posts have been removed, and she has now requested her privacy, she is the one who hurled her private life into the media because of the anger and frustration with her relationship. This relationship is destroying the peace she had finally found, and is infecting her life with neglect and anger.


So LiLo, it’s time to say heck no to Egor and “Kick him to the curb”. You’ve overcome so much in the past-don’t let this be the beginning of a downward spiral! We wish you the absolute best in life and sincerely hope that you make the right decision.