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Finding Love In 2021: Do You Need A Matchmaker?

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Thanks to the pandemic, dating app fatigue, and a combination of other factors, more people than ever are looking for a matchmaker to help them find love. Why? Well, nearly half of Americans say that dating is harder now than it was a decade ago, according to Pew Research Center. It makes sense, too: swiping away on a seemingly endless pool of prospects — many of whom aren’t even compatible with you, or honest about their intentions — can get frustrating and exhausting, especially when half the time your matches ghost you or flake out on meeting up in person. Not to mention, when Hilaria Baldwin is getting accused of having a fake Spanish accent and lying about her upbringing, how can you really trust anyone you meet online?

Plus, the COVID-19 has forced people to think about what’s really important in their relationships, and the shallow connections they’re forming online just aren’t cutting it. It’s time to try a new tactic, wouldn’t you say? Basically, if you’re looking to find love in 2021, matchmaking services may be the way to go.

Online dating may be convenient — but are those apps really helping you to find the caliber of elite singles you want to date, and furthermore, to build the type of relationship you’re looking for? A new year presents the perfect opportunity to take a step back, and figure out what you need to change in order to lead a happier, more fulfilled life.

Every matchmaker’s process is different. But these are just a few things you can expect from Susan Trombetti and her team:

  • They get to the bottom of who someone really is and what they really look like without the filters, dated photos, tons of makeup, etc.
  • They can tell if someone is actually ready for a real relationship, or still hung up on someone else and just trying to fill a void
  • They can help you break those bad dating habits that are unknowingly sabotaging your love life
  • They can coach you in real-time about how to show off your best self on dates
  • They can help you get unstuck in your dating life so you can move on and find genuine happiness
  • They can help you understand the difference between attraction and chemistry so that you finally find that spark

And if you aren’t already convinced, here are more reasons why it’s time to let Susan Trombetti and her team totally transform your love life in 2021 — and beyond.

A matchmaker can find you someone you’re actually compatible with.

The fact of the matter is, you can’t determine whether or not someone’s a good match for you simply by looking through their photos or reading a short bio. Matchmaker Susan Trombetti and her team not only take the time to get to know all of their clients, but they are well-versed in understanding what makes two people a good fit, so they can weed through to find someone you’re actually likely to “click” with.

According to a 2019 Pew Research Center poll, the majority of U.S. singles say they are dissatisfied with their dating lives, and that it’s been hard to find people to date. Some of the most common explanations for those difficulties provided by poll participants included the challenge of finding someone who is looking for the same type of relationship (53% say that’s a major reason), and trouble finding someone who meets their expectations (43%). Also, more men than women claim that their dating life is suffering because they have trouble approaching people — but fortunately, with a matchmaker, you don’t have to worry about making a risky move by messaging someone or buying them a drink, only to be rejected. And if you struggle with nerves before that first date, Susan can offer one-on-one coaching and lend you pointers to boost your confidence so you can make a solid first impression.

Clearly, lots of singles are struggling to meet people who are on the same page as they are, and they’re also not meeting people who are on par with their standards. Exclusive Matchmaking uses a uniquely thorough process to vet and evaluate all clients, and in doing so, is able to forge more meaningful connections. Not only that, but the client base includes CEOs and executives, athletes, entrepreneurs, celebrities, and other elite singles who are sure to far exceed your expectations for a partner.

Additionally, one of the reasons why many singles can’t seem to find fulfillment in dating is that they don’t understand the difference between chemistry and attraction. You deserve to feel that spark, but you may not be giving your dates enough of a chance to build that, or even know what to look for in determining whether or not there’s potential. Susan and her fellow matchmakers can help with that.

A matchmaker can save you time and energy.

You’re a busy person, am I right? You’ve got emails to respond to, family obligations to tend to, and professional accomplishments and goals to achieve. You just don’t have the time and energy required to go on date after date when your efforts are leading nowhere. But what if someone else could do all the vetting for you?

Part of the reason why dating apps are so draining is that despite all the energy you pour into swiping, it doesn’t always necessarily pay off. In fact, a 2016 study found that nearly half of people who message a match never hear back from them. Why put yourself out there if you’re not going to get the respect and response you deserve?

One of the many advantages of working with Susan and her team is that they eliminate that tiresome process and set you up on a date with someone who’s legitimately ready and eager for a real relationship. That way, you can focus on more important things — like getting to know the person in front of you to see if you hit it off.

A matchmaker can take the stress out of dating.

Dating is supposed to be fun. But unfortunately, many singles have forgotten that. A 2019 Pew Research Poll found that more dating app users said they feel frustrated, pessimistic and insecure rather than hopeful, optimistic, and confident. Is that really any surprise? Dating apps place a major emphasis on physical appearance and superficiality as opposed to shared values, plus they’re packed with flakes who are just looking for an ego boost rather than a real, lasting connection. Now add in all the constant rejection and it’s a recipe for disaster.

Research has proven that people act differently online than in person, which can cause a world of hurt when you’ve gotten your hopes up about a match and they pull a disappearing act or behave poorly when you finally meet up IRL. So, it makes sense why research conducted at the University of North Texas discovered that dating app users report lower self-esteem, and a 2020 study found that people who frequently use dating apps might have more symptoms of depression and anxiety.

The good news is, working with a matchmaker can help you to avoid many of these issues. Susan and her team only take on clients who are serious about finding “The One” — not people who have long lists of specific physical features or unrealistic expectations.

One of the most stressful aspects of that nerves can get in the way of just being yourself. Luckily, if you flub the first date, Susan Trombetti and her team of matchmakers can act as a go-between to smooth things over and land you that crucial second date. And since disappointments are inevitable in dating, a matchmaker can also help you not to internalize any rejection and bounce back more quickly so it doesn’t cause a blow to your self-esteem.

Working with a matchmaker is way safer than using apps.

Catfishing is hardly the most worrisome problem you face when online dating. You also have to consider your own security when meeting up with someone in real life for the first time. Pew’s poll found that a whopping 46% of adults don’t feel safe meeting people through dating apps and sites — and an even more significant portion of women (56%) felt this way. One major problem that many users have to deal with is harassment — in fact, 37% of online dating users said someone has continued to contact them after they said they weren’t interested, 35% said they’ve received an explicit message or image they didn’t want, 28% were called an offensive name, and 9% were even threatened with physical harm. Not to mention, a majority of people also believe dating apps are rife with people lying (71%) and scamming (50%). Who needs to deal with all of that? You certainly don’t.

Fortunately, whether they’re wearing sunglasses and hats to hide their true appearance, or still secretly hung up on someone else, Susan and her team of matchmakers can get to the bottom of the story before you ever go on a date with them. In fact, Susan Trombetti is an experienced relationship investigator — so she’s well versed in sussing out anyone’s dirty little secrets.

Speaking of safety, Susan Trombetti and her team conduct extremely in-depth background checks, and given Susan’s past experience as an investigator, she can even dig up details on someone that a typical report might not contain. In other words, you can always have peace of mind when you go on any dates set up by Exclusive Matchmaking.

The bottom line? Working with Susan Trombetti and her associates can not only make your dating life so much easier but also connect you with higher quality singles who can actually meet your needs and desires. Better yet, Susan’s team is committed to assisting you with breaking those bad dating habits that have been preventing you from finding love. Private coaching sessions with Susan can be immensely valuable for enabling you to discover what is and isn’t working for you — and she can even help you draw up a dating action plan to get real about your priorities and preferences in finding a partner.

If you feel stuck in your dating life — whether it’s due to a bad breakup or baggage from the past, or because you just haven’t been able to make any connections that last — you deserve a change. So, as you move into 2021, why not make it a resolution to try a matchmaker? You have nothing to lose by putting your happiness in the hands of a skilled matchmaker, and Susan and her team members have helped countless people to find their happily ever afters.

If you are looking to find the love of your life this year, email us at info@exclusivematchmaking.net to connect with matchmaker, Susan Trombetti and change your life today.